Candy & Snack Review RSS

Candy & Snack Review -

Kabaya Mini Melon Pan Cookie I WANT IT! "It's crunchy on the outside but soft and crumbly on the inside." We're excited to share these Mini Melon Pan Cookie. They look and taste like the real thing! "Hold on.. What is Melon Pan?" It's a classic Japanese sweet bread that's covered in a thin layer of crispy biscuit/cookie crust with a grid line pattern on top. "Whhattt.. Melon? Does it actually taste like one??" Sorry, as exciting as the name may sound, it tastes nothing like a melon. (Cue the relieved "whew~"!) "So why is it named 'Melon Pan'?" Because...

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Candy & Snack Review -

Click here to buy. Rating: I have to admit, I've never had American rice crackers until I was an adult. What was my reaction to it? "Why is it so bland? I know! It just needs a thick layer of peanut butter and jelly..." American rice crackers tasted very different from the rice snacks my mother had always bought for us at the Asian markets. You know, the kind that comes in that cylindrical shape, and you have to catch the rice puffs as they fall with each bite.  Then in school, my friends introduced me to another kind, which I...

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Candy & Snack Review -

SHOP Onion Rings Funyuns was one of my favorite snacks growing up as a kid. Even though it's said to be onion flavored rings, it really doesn't taste anything like onion but more like salt. Ok, maybe that's a little too harsh, but after tasting Nongshim's version of a onion ring snack, you will have to agree. This Korean version is much more savory and actually tastes like onion. It's not nearly as salty as Funyuns, but just enough so the snack doesn't lose its onion taste while still tasting savory. After discovering Nongshim's onion flavored rings, I don't think I'll ever crave Funyuns again....

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Candy & Snack Review -

SHOP Karl Cheese Puffs It's Try It Tuesday! One of my favorite snacks is Cheetos Cheese Puffs. I grew up on these cheesy puffs of deliciousness. As a kid, I would hold the ends of the snack between my thumb and point finger and gnaw away at the cheesy outside like a little beaver. The weird things kids do... Well, it turns out Japan has a snack similar to Cheetos Cheese Puffs called Karl Cheese. Let's compare the difference between these two snacks! Today, the battle is between Cheetos Cheese Puffs by Frito Lay and Karl Cheese by Meiji. [ QUICK REVIEW ] [...

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